Each web hosting reviewer would probably come up with their own idea of a best web hosting site. This is understandable considering different people have different set of criteria for naming a host site the best web hosting site. Probably the common criteria to all these web hosting reviewers are customer support, web hosting features, redundancy and reliability, price and others. Of course, it will depend on the web hosting reviewer which category should be foremost. Deciding which particular site is the best web hosting site is definitely not easy. As a reviewer you need to put to test the web hosting service’s features based on the different categories.
The Webmasters of TheHostingChart recently awarded the IX web hosting as the best web hosting site for two consecutive years. They based their decision and rating according to different categories. The latest review took place last October 2, 2004.
IX is considered as the best web hosting site being awarded as the #1 Web Host of 2003 and 2004 with a consistently high rating average of 97% by the Webmasters of TheHostingChart.
IX is the best web hosting in the price and cost effectiveness category garnering a rating of 98%. IX is the best web hosting because it offers a number of plans that let you to save money. Payments are made quarterly, semi-annually, annual and 2-year cycle. It offers 100% money back guarantee including the setup fees.
IX is the best web hosting due to its impressive rating in the general impression category of 94%. The basis for the grade is the professional website, attractive hosting plans for clients, opening of a new data center in Hopkinsville, KY, reliability, customer service and customer satisfaction.
IX also garnered the best web hosting in the reliability category with a 95% rating. You can hardly experience server outages with IX web hosting. When downtime does occur, the problem is resolve quickly. If you do experience downtime you will be reimbursed accordingly for the number of minutes of downtime.
IX scored a high 94% rating for the being the best web hosting in the data center (toured) category. They have equipment such as security mechanisms, firewalls, CISCO state of the art routers and 2 redundant fibre-optic loops.
IX is the best web hosting for the customer service category with a huge 99% rating. Their technical support staffs have impressive technical skills. They can readily address problems or requests through a 24/7 live chat feature. You can call anytime. And the staffs are always courteous no matter what time of day you call.
IX is the best web hosting with a whopping 100% rating for its control panel category. Their control panel is run by H-Sphere which is modified heavily by the technical staffs. The control panel functions are flawless. And it offers multiple functions, online file manager, web design program and web mail. IX web hosting have Linux and Windows hosting. The features are impressive, very fast and reliable. And it has a user-friendly customer guide that explains how to use your account.
IX web hosting is undoubtedly one of the best web hosting companies if not the best web hosting there is.
The Webmasters of TheHostingChart recently awarded the IX web hosting as the best web hosting site for two consecutive years. They based their decision and rating according to different categories. The latest review took place last October 2, 2004.
IX is considered as the best web hosting site being awarded as the #1 Web Host of 2003 and 2004 with a consistently high rating average of 97% by the Webmasters of TheHostingChart.
IX is the best web hosting in the price and cost effectiveness category garnering a rating of 98%. IX is the best web hosting because it offers a number of plans that let you to save money. Payments are made quarterly, semi-annually, annual and 2-year cycle. It offers 100% money back guarantee including the setup fees.
IX is the best web hosting due to its impressive rating in the general impression category of 94%. The basis for the grade is the professional website, attractive hosting plans for clients, opening of a new data center in Hopkinsville, KY, reliability, customer service and customer satisfaction.
IX also garnered the best web hosting in the reliability category with a 95% rating. You can hardly experience server outages with IX web hosting. When downtime does occur, the problem is resolve quickly. If you do experience downtime you will be reimbursed accordingly for the number of minutes of downtime.
IX scored a high 94% rating for the being the best web hosting in the data center (toured) category. They have equipment such as security mechanisms, firewalls, CISCO state of the art routers and 2 redundant fibre-optic loops.
IX is the best web hosting for the customer service category with a huge 99% rating. Their technical support staffs have impressive technical skills. They can readily address problems or requests through a 24/7 live chat feature. You can call anytime. And the staffs are always courteous no matter what time of day you call.
IX is the best web hosting with a whopping 100% rating for its control panel category. Their control panel is run by H-Sphere which is modified heavily by the technical staffs. The control panel functions are flawless. And it offers multiple functions, online file manager, web design program and web mail. IX web hosting have Linux and Windows hosting. The features are impressive, very fast and reliable. And it has a user-friendly customer guide that explains how to use your account.
IX web hosting is undoubtedly one of the best web hosting companies if not the best web hosting there is.
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